Atmospheric Chemistry: Planets and Life Beyond Earth (FutureLearn)

Atmospheric Chemistry: Planets and Life Beyond Earth is online course offered by University of Leeds via FutureLearn.

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Atmospheric Chemistry: Planets and Life Beyond Earth (FutureLearn)
Atmospheric Chemistry: Planets and Life Beyond Earth (FutureLearn)


Discover the extraordinary world of atmospheric chemistry.

In Atmospheric Chemistry: Planets and Life Beyond Earth course you will learn about planetary atmospheres across our solar system and beyond. You will discover what an atmosphere is, how it’s formed, and how data collected from space missions is used to determine a planet’s atmosphere.

You’ll also look into the factors needed to support life, explore the possibility of life beyond Earth and start the search for habitable planets. You’ll understand how atmospheric chemistry is communicated in the media and get a flavor of one of the most fascinating subjects explored during an undergraduate degree in Chemistry.

The course is for anyone with a general interest in atmospheric chemistry but it will be particularly useful for students at schools and colleges who want to study chemistry at university. The course is part of the Going to University collection and completing it can help improve your university application by broadening your chemistry knowledge and developing your independent learning skills. The course can also be used as a teachers’ classroom enrichment resource.


Julia Lehman

Additional information

Course Delivery


Course Efforts

2 Hours a Week

Course Enrollment


Course Language


Course Length

2 Weeks

Course Level


Course Provider

Course School

Course Subtitles


Flexible Learning


Verified Certificate



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