Introduction to Big Data (Coursera)

Computational Social Science is an Online MOOC Course, Offered by the University of California, San Diego via Coursera. This Course 1 of 6 in the Big Data Specialization.

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Introduction to Big Data Coursera
Introduction to Big Data (Coursera)


Interested in increasing your knowledge of the Big Data landscape?

This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. It is for those who want to become conversant with the terminology and the core concepts behind big data problems, applications, and systems.

It is for those who want to start thinking about how Big Data might be useful in their business or career. It provides an introduction to one of the most common frameworks, Hadoop, that has made big data analysis easier and more accessible increasing the potential for data to transform our world!

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the Big Data landscape including examples of real world big data problems including the three key sources of Big Data: people, organizations, and sensors.
  • Explain the V’s of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, valence, and value) and why each impacts data collection, monitoring, storage, analysis, and reporting.
  • Get value out of Big Data by using a 5-step process to structure your analysis.
  • Identify what are and what are not big data problems and be able to recast big data problems as data science questions.
  • Provide an explanation of the architectural components and programming models used for scalable big data analysis.
  • Summarize the features and value of core Hadoop stack components including the YARN resource and job management system, the HDFS file system and the MapReduce programming model.
  • Install and run a program using Hadoop!

This course is for those new to data science. No prior programming experience is needed, although the ability to install applications and utilize a virtual machine is necessary to complete the hands-on assignments.

This course is for those new to data science. No prior programming experience is needed, although the ability to install applications and utilize a virtual machine is necessary to complete the hands-on assignments.



  • Welcome
    • Welcome to the Big Data Specialization! We’re excited for you to get to know us and we’re looking forward to learning about you!
  • Big Data: Why and Where
    • Data, it’s been around (even digitally) for a while. What makes data “big” and where does this big data come from?


  • Characteristics of Big Data and Dimensions of Scalability
    • You may have heard of the “Big Vs”. We’ll give examples and descriptions of the commonly discussed 5. But, we want to propose a 6th V and we’ll ask you to practice writing Big Data questions targeting this V value.
  • Data Science: Getting Value out of Big Data
    • We love science and we love computing, don’t get us wrong. But the reality is we care about Big Data because it can bring value to our companies, our lives, and the world. In this module, we’ll introduce a 5 step process for approaching data science problems.


  • Foundations for Big Data Systems and Programming
    • Big Data requires new programming frameworks and systems. For this course, we don’t program knowledge or experience but we do want to give you a grounding in some of the key concepts.
  • Systems: Getting Started with Hadoop
    • Let’s look at some details of Hadoop and MapReduce. Then we’ll go “hands-on” and actually perform a simple MapReduce task in the Cloudera VM. Pay attention – as we’ll guide you in “learning by doing” in diagramming a MapReduce task as a Peer Review.


  • Ilkay Altintas
  • Amarnath Gupta

Additional information

Course Delivery


Course Efforts

17 hours

Course Enrollment


Course Language


Course Length

3 Weeks

Course Level


Course Provider

Course School

Course Subtitles

Arabic, English, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Flexible Learning


Verified Certificate



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