Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns (Coursera)

Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns is an online MOOC Course offered by Facebook via Coursera. Course 5 of 5 in the Facebook Social Media Marketing.

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Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns
Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns (Coursera)

Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns Online Course Overview

This course provides you with the skills to optimize your social media marketing efforts. Learn to evaluate and interpret the results of your advertising campaigns. Learn how to assess advertising effectiveness through lift studies and optimize your campaigns with split testing. Understand how advertising effectiveness is measured across platforms and devices, learn how to evaluate the ROI of your marketing, and master how to communicate your social media marketing results to others in the company. By the end of this course, you will be able to: analyze dashboards and evaluate ROI from your social media marketing efforts; understand different techniques used to optimize marketing campaigns, such as attribution and marketing mix models; implement an A/B test to optimize your campaign; present and communicate the results of your campaign to a team.

This course is for people who want to learn how to analyze their campaign marketing results, optimize their campaigns, and effectively communicate findings to their teams. Learners don’t need marketing experience but should have basic internet navigation skills and be eager to participate and connect on social media. Having a Facebook or Instagram account helps, and ideally, learners have already completed the four previous courses in this program.

This course will be followed by the Facebook Social Media Marketing Capstone course, the final course of this certification, in which learners will take the Digital Marketing Associate Certification Exam and complete a Capstone project to receive their Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand different techniques used to optimize marketing campaigns, such as attribution and marketing mix models
  • Implement an A/B test to optimize your campaign
  • Analyze dashboards and evaluate the ROI from your social media marketing efforts
  • Present and communicate the results of your campaign to a team

Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns MOOC Course Syllabus

WEEK 1 – Evaluate Your Marketing Results Against Goals

This week you’ll learn all about how to align metrics with your marketing goals and data analysis techniques. You’ll gain an understanding of common terms, such as return on investment and lifetime value, and learn how to calculate them.

WEEK 2 – Measure Your Advertising Effectiveness

In the second week, you’ll learn how to evaluate the success of your advertising campaigns. You’ll learn to evaluate campaign results reports and you’ll learn how lift studies can help you determine the impact of your campaign.

WEEK 3 – Optimize Your Ad Campaigns

In the third week, you’ll learn to optimize advertising using A/B testing and you’ll learn how attribution can help you to evaluate and optimize your advertising strategy across different platforms.

WEEK 4 – Communicate Your Marketing Results

This week, you’ll learn how to tell the full story of your campaign and communicate its results to a larger audience in an effective presentation. You’ll learn how to tell a clear story with data and focus on the insights that will help determine the next steps in your marketing efforts.

Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns Meta Course Teacher

  • Anke Audenaert

Additional information

Course Delivery


Course Efforts

1-4 Hours/Week

Course Enrollment


Course Instructor

Course Language


Course Length

4 Weeks

Course Level


Course Provider

Course School

Course Subtitles

Arabic, English, Portuguese, Spanish

Flexible Learning


Verified Certificate


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