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Input/Output Redirection in Linux

Input/Output Redirection in Linux

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Input/Output (I/O) redirection is a powerful feature in Linux that allows users to control where input comes from and where output goes. This capability is fundamental to the Unix philosophy of creating small, focused tools that can be combined in powerful ways. Let’s explore the concepts, types, and practical applications of I/O redirection in Linux.

Understanding Standard Streams

Before diving into redirection, it’s crucial to understand the three standard streams in Linux:

  1. Standard Input (stdin): The default input stream, typically the keyboard.
  2. Standard Output (stdout): The default output stream, usually the terminal.
  3. Standard Error (stderr): The default stream for error messages, also typically the terminal.

These streams are associated with file descriptors:

  • stdin: File descriptor 0
  • stdout: File descriptor 1
  • stderr: File descriptor 2

Basic Redirection Operators

Linux uses several operators for redirection:

  • >: Redirects stdout, overwriting the target file
  • >>: Redirects stdout, appending to the target file
  • <: Redirects stdin
  • 2>: Redirects stderr
  • &>: Redirects both stdout and stderr

Output Redirection in Linux

Overwriting Output

To redirect stdout to a file, overwriting its contents:

ls > file_list.txt

This command lists the contents of the current Linux directory and saves the output to file_list.txt.

Appending Output

To append stdout to an existing file:

echo "New line" >> file_list.txt

This adds “New line” to the end of file_list.txt without overwriting existing content.

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Input Redirection

To use a file as input for a command:

wc -l < file_list.txt

This counts the number of lines in file_list.txt without displaying the filename.

Error Redirection

To redirect error messages to a file:

ls /nonexistent 2> errors.txt

This command attempts to list a non-existent directory and saves any error messages to errors.txt.

Combining Redirections

You can combine different types of redirection:

command > output.txt 2> errors.txt

This redirects stdout to output.txt and stderr to errors.txt.

Redirecting Both stdout and stderr

To send both standard output and standard error to the same file:

command &> output_and_errors.txt

This is equivalent to:

command > output_and_errors.txt 2>&1

The 2>&1 syntax means “redirect file descriptor 2 to where file descriptor 1 is pointing”.

Discarding Output

To discard output or errors, redirect to /dev/null:

command > /dev/null

This is useful for suppressing output when you only care about the command’s exit status.


Piping is a form of redirection that sends the output of one command as input to another:

ls | grep ".txt"
Here Documents
Here documents allow you to redirect multiple lines of input:
cat << EOF > file.txt
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

This creates a file named file.txt with the specified content.

Common Misconceptions

  1. The cat command: Many users misuse cat for reading files. While cat file.txt works, it’s more efficient to use less file.txt or more file.txt for viewing file contents.
  2. Overuse of cat: Avoid using cat to pipe content to other commands when unnecessary. For example, instead of, use grep pattern file.txt.

Practical Use Cases of Input/Output Redirection in Linux

  1. Log Management: Redirect command output to log files for later analysis. > script_output.log 2> script_errors.log
  2. Data Processing: Use redirection to process large datasets.
    sort < unsorted_data.txt > sorted_data.txt
  3. Silent Installations: Suppress output during automated installations.
    ./ > /dev/null 2>&1
  4. Creating Reports: Combine command outputs into a single report.
      echo "System Report"
      echo "-------------"
      echo "Disk Usage:"
      df -h
      echo "Memory Usage:"
      free -m
    } > system_report.txt


Input/Output redirection is a fundamental skill for effective Linux use. It allows for powerful Linux command combinations, efficient data processing, and streamlined system administration. By mastering these techniques, you can significantly enhance your productivity and capability in Linux environments.

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Remember that while redirection is powerful, it’s important to use it judiciously. Always consider the most efficient and readable way to accomplish your task, and be mindful of potential security implications when redirecting sensitive data.

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