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List of Linux Commands

Linux is a type of operating system that works like Unix. All tasks in Linux are run in a terminal that the system gives you. The command prompt in Windows is a lot like this desktop. It is important to know that Linux and Unix programs care about capitalization. A Linux command is either a program or a list of steps that the user types into the console to do different things on the Linux operating system. It’s easy to use these commands to deal with the Linux operating system. They let you do many things, like manage files and directories, network, manage processes, and manage users.

These days, the Linux kernel and other operating systems that are like Unix share more than 80 Unix commands. Linux commands will be highly customized and offer advanced features for users with a lot of experience. The terminal that comes with Linux is where all of the Linux and Unix commands are run.

List of Linux Commands

It would be impossible to make a complete list of all the commands in Linux because they can be different depending on the distribution and packages that are installed. However, We can give you a complete list of the most important commands that are used in many areas, such as networking, user management, package management, file management, system administration, and more.

General Commands

Serial No.CommandDescription
1lsList directory contents
2cdChange directory
3pwdPrint working directory
4echoDisplay a line of text or variable value
5catConcatenate and display file contents
6moreView file contents one screen at a time
7lessView file contents with backward navigation
8headDisplay the first few lines of a file
9tailDisplay the last few lines of a file
10cpCopy files and directories
11mvMove or rename files and directories
12rmRemove files or directories
13mkdirCreate directories
14rmdirRemove empty directories
15touchCreate an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file
16lnCreate hard and symbolic links
See also  How to Remove Directory in Linux | rmdir Command with Examples

System Administration

Serial No.CommandDescription
17sudoExecute a command as another user, typically root
18psDisplay process status
19topReal-time display of system resource usage
20htopInteractive process viewer
21killTerminate processes
22killallKill processes by name
23dfDisplay disk space usage
24duDisplay file and directory disk usage
25freeDisplay free and used memory
26uptimeShow how long the system has been running
27unamePrint system information
28hostnameDisplay or set the system’s hostname
29dmesgPrint or control the kernel ring buffer
30whoamiDisplay current user
31dateDisplay or set the system date and time
32shutdownShutdown or restart the system
33rebootReboot the system
34systemctlManage systemd services
35serviceStart, stop, or restart services
36cronManage scheduled tasks
37crontabEdit the cron jobs for a user

File Permissions and Ownership

Serial No.CommandDescription
38chmodChange file permissions
39chownChange file owner and group
40chgrpChange the group ownership of files
41umaskSet the default file creation permissions


Serial No.CommandDescription
42ifconfigConfigure or display network interfaces
43ipShow/manipulate routing, devices, and tunnels
44pingSend ICMP echo requests to test network connectivity
45traceroutePrint the route packets take to a network host
46netstatDisplay network connections, routing tables, interface statistics
47ssDisplay socket statistics
48nslookupQuery DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mappings
49digDNS lookup utility
50wgetDownload files from the web
51curlTransfer data from or to a server
52scpSecurely copy files over SSH
53sshSecurely log into a remote machine
54ftpTransfer files via FTP
55iptablesSet up, maintain, and inspect the IP packet filter rules
See also  Display the User Manual of Any Command  in Linux | Linux man Command With Examples

Package Management

Serial No.CommandDescription
56apt-getInstall, update, or remove packages on Debian-based systems
57yumInstall, update, or remove packages on Red Hat-based systems
58dnfNext-generation package manager for Red Hat-based systems
59pacmanPackage manager for Arch Linux
60rpmPackage management system for Red Hat-based distributions
61snapManage Snap packages
62flatpakManage Flatpak applications

Disk Management

Serial No.CommandDescription
63fdiskPartition table manipulator for Linux
64mkfsCreate a filesystem
65mountMount a filesystem
66umountUnmount a filesystem
67fsckFile system consistency check and repair
68blkidLocate/print block device attributes
69ddConvert and copy files (low-level disk utility)

User Management

Serial No.CommandDescription
70adduserAdd a user to the system
71useraddAdd a user
72userdelDelete a user
73passwdUpdate a user’s password
74suSwitch user
75groupsShow group memberships for a user
76usermodModify a user account

Text Processing

Serial No.CommandDescription
77grepSearch for patterns within text
78sedStream editor for filtering and transforming text
79awkText processing and pattern scanning language
80cutRemove sections from each line of files
81sortSort lines of text
82uniqReport or omit repeated lines
83wcPrint newline, word, and byte counts for each file
84diffCompare files line by line
85trTranslate or delete characters

Compression and Archiving

Serial No.CommandDescription
86tarArchive files
87gzipCompress files
88gunzipDecompress files
89zipPackage and compress files
90unzipExtract compressed files
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This list covers many of the essential commands you’ll encounter in Linux. For more advanced or specialized commands, you can use man <command> to view the manual pages for details on each command.

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